/*! * FitText.js 1.1 * @link https://github.com/petewarman/FitText.js/ */ !function(a){a.fn.fitText=function(b){var c,d=a.extend({minFontSize:Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,maxFontSize:Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,lineCount:1,scale:100},b);return this.each(function(){var b=a(this);b.css({"white-space":"nowrap",position:"absolute",width:"auto"}),c=parseFloat(b.width())/parseFloat(b.css("font-size")),b.css({position:"",width:"","white-space":""});var e=function(){b.css("font-size",Math.max(Math.min(d.scale/100*d.lineCount*b.width()/c-d.lineCount,parseFloat(d.maxFontSize)),parseFloat(d.minFontSize)) - 1)};e(),a(window).on("resize.fittext orientationchange.fittext",e)})}}(jQuery); ;// Themify Theme Scripts - http://themify.me/ // Initialize object literals var FixedHeader = {}, LayoutAndFilter = {}; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // jQuery functions ///////////////////////////////////////////// (function($){ // Initialize carousels ////////////////////////////// function createCarousel(obj) { obj.each(function() { var $this = $(this); $this.carouFredSel({ responsive : true, prev : '#' + $this.data('id') + ' .carousel-prev', next : '#' + $this.data('id') + ' .carousel-next', pagination : { container : '#' + $this.data('id') + ' .carousel-pager' }, circular : true, infinite : true, swipe: true, scroll : { items : 1, fx : $this.data('effect'), duration : parseInt($this.data('speed')) }, auto : { play : !!('off' != $this.data('autoplay')), timeoutDuration : 'off' != $this.data('autoplay') ? parseInt($this.data('autoplay')) : 0 }, items : { visible : { min : 1, max : 1 }, width : 222 }, onCreate : function() { $this.closest('.slideshow-wrap').css({ 'visibility' : 'visible', 'height' : 'auto' }); var $testimonialSlider = $this.closest('.testimonial.slider'); if( $testimonialSlider.length > 0 ) { $testimonialSlider.css({ 'visibility' : 'visible', 'height' : 'auto' }); } $(window).resize(); } }); }); } // Test if touch event exists ////////////////////////////// function is_touch_device() { return 'true' == themifyScript.isTouch; } // Scroll to Element ////////////////////////////// function themeScrollTo(offset) { $('body,html').animate({ scrollTop: offset }, 800); } // Heading resize function apply_fittext( el ) { el.contents().wrapAll( '' ); el.find( '> span' ) .fitText({ maxFontSize : el.css( 'font-size' ) }) .fitText({ maxFontSize : el.css( 'font-size' ) }); // applying it twice fixes the issue of text breaking with some fonts. el.css( 'visibility', 'visible' ); } // Fixed Header ///////////////////////// FixedHeader = { lastHeight: 0, headerHeight: 0, init: function() { if( '' != themifyScript.fixedHeader ) { this.activate(); $(window).on('scroll touchstart.touchScroll touchmove.touchScroll', this.activate); } }, activate: function() { var $window = $(window), scrollTop = $window.scrollTop(), fixedHeaderDefaultHeight = is_touch_device() ? 10 : 71, $headerwrap = $('#headerwrap'); if ( FixedHeader.lastHeight != 0 ) { FixedHeader.headerHeight = FixedHeader.lastHeight; } else { FixedHeader.headerHeight = $headerwrap.height() - fixedHeaderDefaultHeight; } if( scrollTop > FixedHeader.headerHeight ) { if ( ! $headerwrap.hasClass('fixed-header') ) { FixedHeader.lastHeight = Math.floor( FixedHeader.headerHeight ); $('#pagewrap').css('paddingTop', FixedHeader.lastHeight); $headerwrap.addClass('fixed-header'); $('#header').addClass('header-on-scroll'); $('body').addClass('fixed-header-on'); } } else { if ( $headerwrap.hasClass('fixed-header') ) { FixedHeader.lastHeight = 0; $('#pagewrap').css('paddingTop', ''); $('#headerwrap').removeClass('fixed-header'); $('#header').removeClass('header-on-scroll'); $('body').removeClass('fixed-header-on'); } } } }; // Entry Filter ///////////////////////// LayoutAndFilter = { init: function() { if ( $('body').hasClass('masonry-enabled') ) { themifyScript.disableMasonry = ''; } else { themifyScript.disableMasonry = 'disable-masonry'; } if ( 'disable-masonry' != themifyScript.disableMasonry ) { $('#loops-wrapper.grid4,#loops-wrapper.grid3,#loops-wrapper.grid2,.portfolio.loops-wrapper').prepend('
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