/* * Plugin: Google reCAPTCHA in WP comments * Path: /js * File: recaptcha.js * Since: 0.0.2 */ /* * Module: Recaptcha functions for init form and verify responses * Version: * Description: This module changes the HTML structure of the form when it's displayed for prevent automatic sending, then it verifies the user's response and when * the user's response is correct it rewrites the HTML structure of the form. */ // Global var for storing the form attributes until the verification process is completed and correct. var attrsa = {}; function fixing_credits_position () { window.setTimeout( function () { var target = jQuery( '#griwpc-container-id' ), ifra = jQuery( '#griwpc-widget-id').find ( 'iframe' ), credit = jQuery('.plugin-credits'), size = parseInt( ifra.attr ( 'width' ) ); if ( target.hasClass ( 'recaptcha-align-left' ) ) { credit.css( 'right', 'unset' ); credit.css( 'left', ( ( size - 20 ) / 2 ) + 'px' ); } else if ( target.hasClass ( 'recaptcha-align-right' ) ) { credit.css( 'left', 'unset' ); credit.css( 'right', ( ( size - 20 ) / 2 ) + 'px' ); } else { credit.css( 'right', 'unset' ); credit.css( 'left', '50%' ); } }, 200 ); } // Write/rewrite form HTML structure and block/unblock send button. function change_button ( value, address ) { var a, ele; if ( value === null ) { // ID compatibility themes ele = jQuery( '#' + griwpco.formID ).find( '#' + griwpco.buttonID ); if ( ele.length > 0 ) ele.attr( 'disabled', '' ); // Forcing blocked mode to all button, anchor, input, span type=submit HTML elements, even without ID ele = jQuery( '#' + griwpco.formID ).find( '[type=submit]' ); if ( ele.length > 0 ) ele.attr( 'disabled', '' ); a = jQuery( '#' + griwpco.formID )[0].attributes; jQuery.each ( a, function (i, v ) { if ( v != undefined ) attrsa[ v.name ] = v.value; }); jQuery.each ( attrsa, function (i, v ) { if ( ( i != 'id' ) && ( i != 'class' ) ) jQuery( '#' + griwpco.formID ).removeAttr( i ); }); if ( 1 === parseInt( griwpco.allowCreditMode ) ) { jQuery( '.google-recaptcha-container' ).append ( '' + griwpco.home_link_text + '' ); } } if ( value === true ) { // ID compatibility themes ele = jQuery( '#' + griwpco.formID ).find( '#' + griwpco.buttonID ); if ( ele.length > 0 ) ele.removeAttr ('disabled'); // Forcing blocked mode to all button, anchor, input, span type=submit HTML elements, even without ID ele = jQuery( '#' + griwpco.formID ).find( '[type=submit]' ); if ( ele.length > 0 ) ele.removeAttr ('disabled'); jQuery.each ( attrsa, function (i, v ) { jQuery( '#' + griwpco.formID ).attr( i, v ); }); jQuery( '#' + griwpco.formID ).append( '' ); } } // Ajax connection for verifying response through the secret key var griwpcVerifyCallback = function( griwpcr ) { jQuery.ajax({ url : griwpco.ajax_url + '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', type : 'POST', data : { 'action' : 'griwpc_verify_recaptcha', 'resp' : griwpcr, }, dataType : 'json', success : function( griwpcrr ) { if ( griwpcrr.data.result === 'OK' ) { change_button ( true, griwpcrr.data.address ); } }, error : function( errorThrown ) { console.log(errorThrown); } }); }; // Global onload Method var griwpcOnloadCallback = function() { griwpco.recaptcha_elem = grecaptcha.render( griwpco.recaptcha_id, { 'sitekey' : griwpco.recaptcha_skey, 'theme' : griwpco.recaptcha_theme, 'type' : griwpco.recaptcha_type, 'size' : griwpco.recaptcha_size, 'tabindex' : 0, 'callback' : griwpcVerifyCallback }); }; (function ($) { change_button ( null, null); })(jQuery);